
IntegrityMatters is an online integrity test designed to highlight dilemmas practitioners may face at work. This unique elearning tool developed by the CISI highlights the importance of integrity and enables users to test their ability to make ethical decisions in the workplace. IntegrityMatters consists of a workshop and test designed to make users aware of the need to act with integrity when making decisions in the workplace.

It is agreed that taking a test doesn't determine whether you are ethical. However, the rationale is that by completing a test, practitioners will be encouraged to think about how to act with integrity and be able to recognise situations and determine how best to respond.

Over 100,000 professionals have now taken the IntegrityMatters test and passing it is a requirement for all members wishing to become personally Chartered. Members are encouraged to retake IntegrityMatters at least once every five years.

All proceeds are donated to our Educational Trust to help fund awards, bursaries and teachers for young people.


  • CPD will be recorded automatically in CISI members’ personal CPD logs
  • Candidates who complete the full test and pass are one step closer to obtaining Chartered membership of the CISI

Log into IntegrityMatters  Prices and Purchase Information  Frequently Asked Questions

Integrity at Work Interactive Workshop

This interactive workshop explores real-life ethical challenges experienced in the workplace and offers attendees the unique opportunity to vote, using individual voting machines, on how they would respond should they be faced with the challenge.


  • Tailored to suit any firm, business type or location, UK or internationally
  • Anonymous voting encourages participants to vote how they would in real life rather than how they know they should
  • Earn CPD through the CISI scheme. Hours will be automatically recorded in CISI members’ logs where appropriate
Prices and Booking Information

Speak Up

To support a ‘speak up’ culture in financial services, the CISI has developed a suite of resources. These focus on the importance of professionals having the knowledge and courage to speak up when they witness failings, large or small, which impact the standards set by their organisation.

Interactive Workshop and Professional Refresher Module

The interactive workshop has been developed to get staff across your company thinking about how they can, and would, respond to potential issues. With live voting, and interactive discussions, you and your colleagues will have the opportunity to discuss and debate a series of true to life scenarios, and understand how to speak up with confidence.

The Speak Up Professional Refresher module gives some insight into what is and what isn’t whistleblowing and educates individuals on the best way to speak up in the workplace.

More information 

Professional Refresher: Integrity and Ethics

Professional Refresher is an online learning system, consisting of hundreds of modules. It offers learning modules to support the latest regulatory and professional sector changes, each with its own end-of-module test to help you to determine how much knowledge you have gained.

A dedicated Integrity and Ethics module has been developed to enable practitioners to review and refresh their knowledge in this critical discipline. Completing the module and passing the end-of-module test counts as CPD.

Prices and Purchase Information  Login here if you are a member

Annual Integrity Event

The CISI Annual Integrity Event sees well known figures debate relevant and topical dilemmas consistent with the aim of the Institute to promote high standards of ethics and integrity.

The 2023 Annual Integrity Event took place on Thursday 2 November 2022 at Plaisterers’ Hall on the theme of transformation, specifically focusing on how technology and societal norms have transformed conversations in the workplace and within the financial realm. The three scenarios discussed by an expert panel focused on the use of artificial intelligence, the issue of personal values vs firm values and speaking up and listening up in the workplace.

Watch this year’s event  - Please note: No CPD will be awarded for watching this video, members can watch the 2023 Annual Integrity Event on CISITV and earn automatic CPD.

Integrity at Work in Financial Services

Integrity at Work in Financial Services is a collection of case studies which explore and explain a variety of ethical dilemmas. The series was developed to encourage professional practitioners to think about principles and apply them in their day-to-day activities. The books have been distributed to over 120,000 financial services firms and professionals and have received great acclaim.

Volumes 1-4 are now out of print and only available in PDF format below. If you would like to purchase Volume 5 please contact us.

Read online

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5

Ethical Dilemmas

Every issue of The Review, the official magazine of the CISI, contains a new ethical dilemma in the ‘Grey Matters’ series. Topics have included everything from policies on hiring family members, to whistleblowing, to accepting corporate hospitality.

As in life, the responses to these scenarios are more grey than black or white. The suggested discussion and way forward, whilst not intending to be prescriptive, represent the combined views of a number of senior professional figures.

We would be pleased to receive feedback or suggestions for future discussion. Please email

Grey Matters Dilemmas are also published in the online version of The Review, allowing members to join the debate and comment on the scenarios with their thoughts and opinions.

Prices and Purchase Information  Members can log in and view The Review