The CISI’s Financial Planning Awards 2022 were held on Thursday 6 October at the Financial Planning Conference 2022. Congratulations to all the winners!
The awards were held in recognition of the outstanding achievement of individuals and firms across the UK financial planning professions.
Awards and winners
Accredited Financial Planning Firm of the Year 2022: Berry & Oak
Sponsored by Glascow Consulting
Accredited Financial Planning Firms represent the leading firms in the UK financial planning profession. This highly prestigious award recognises the AFPF that has made the strongest impact on the financial planning profession over the previous 12 months.

CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional of the Year Award: David Hearne CFP™ Chartered FCSI (Financial Planning), Financial Planning Partners
Sponsored by the NS&I
CFP™ professionals have already proven that they have the knowledge, skills and competence needed to deliver a real financial planning service.
This award seeks to recognise the CFP professional who can demonstrate the best combination of strong technical knowledge along with outstanding financial planning skills.

Paraplanner of the Year Award: Kate Morris, Paradigm Norton Financial Planning
Sponsored by Association of Investment Companies
This award is established as the ultimate award for UK paraplanners, whatever their levels of experience. It’s designed to test a paraplanner’s core knowledge and skills and provides a platform for paraplanners to demonstrate their all-round excellence.

The Financial Planning Future Leader Award 2022: James Beck CFP™ MCSI, Fiscal Engineers
This brand new award recognises individuals who have demonstrated the values that underpin the planning profession to deliver a creative or inspirational initiative that has made a change to their business, clients or for the public benefit. This initiative demonstrates a financial planner has the abilities to be a leader of tomorrow.
This can be something done to develop communication strategies, enhance client experience, support the team or contribute to the local or professional community.

Tony Sellon ‘Good Egg’ Award: Keith Butten CFP™ Chartered FCSI (Financial Planning), boosst
Sponsored by CISI
Tony Sellon was a founding member of the IFP and a past president. He was a charismatic character who gave of his time freely to help and support others become better financial planners and to progress the profession. The award is given in recognition of an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the financial planning profession over the years.
Individuals are nominated by CISI members and the winner is the individual judged to have contributed most to the financial planning profession, their team/firm, or CISI branch, over the year.

Sally Plant, CISI assistant director, financial planning and education development, said: “Congratulations to all of our winners and to everyone who made time to enter the awards. Your achievements will inspire those who might be considering entering these awards next year, showcasing your dedication as financial planning professionals, providing life changing guidance to consumers.”