Insights Review by ICG: December 2017 to January 2018

The latest edition of co-branded publication The Insights Review, produced by Internal Consulting Group, is out now, covering December 2017 to January 2018

Our latest co-branded edition of The Insights Review, produced by the Internal Consulting group (ICG) is out now. ICG is a global network of consultants, with the goal of aiding professionals in their career effectiveness and development.

The Insights Review is a collection of abstract reviews of relevant ‘open published’ perspectives and research reports. The abstracts allow you to scan quickly for the most relevant content, and include links to the full articles.

Each edition includes an ‘Article of the month’. For this double edition, ICG has selected ‘Ten principles for winning the game of digital disruption’ – described in the abstract as “another article imploring management to wake up to the digital disruption threat/opportunity for their business”.

Sections include ‘Corporate finance/M&A’; ‘Risk & compliance’; ‘Innovation & disruption’; ‘Cyber security’; ‘Fintech’; and ‘Corporate & investment banking’, to name a few.

We hope you enjoy reading it and please do get in touch with any comments and suggestions.


Read the Dec–Jan 2017/18 edition now

To earn CPD from reading this edition, please log in to MyCISI, click on My CPD and then click on ‘Add new CPD entry’.
Published: 13 Feb 2018
  • The Review
  • ICG

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