The transatlantic venture capital divide
Dr Keith Arundale, Senior Visiting Fellow at Henley Business School, University of Reading, introduces his thesis: "While working in my former career at PwC, I became intrigued with the apparent underperformance of European venture capital (VC) funds compared to their counterparts in the US. I decided to undertake doctoral research – under the supervision of Professor Colin Mason at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow – to investigate the difference in performance between UK/ European and US VC funds.
"I conducted a series of in-depth interviews with venture capitalists from 64 different VC firms on both sides of the Atlantic. I supplemented my VC interviews with 40 further interviews with other stakeholders in the sector, including limited partner investors, entrepreneurs, VC-related individuals, advisers to the sector and corporate VC firms.”
Growing the digital economy – the role and purpose of finance in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Dr Kairat Kelimbetov is governor of the Astana International Financial Centre
- Professor Alexander Van de Putte CDir, FIoD is chair of the AIFC Academic Council and chief strategy officer of the AIFC. He is Professor of Strategy and Strategic Foresight at IE Business School in Madrid, one of Europe’s top-ranked schools.
- George Littlejohn MCSI is senior adviser at the CISI.
In emerging markets, international trade represents a substantial and increasingly significant share of gross domestic product. International trade has helped in reducing extreme poverty throughout the world. At the same time, it has become central to the climate change debate, now that the world is at a tipping point, to try to address it and prevent the worst from happening.
The world is also transitioning from the third to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). This paper explores the role that the capital markets of emerging market countries along the New Silk Road could play in growing the digital economy and contributing to sustainable economic development now that the era of 4IR is emerging. It is based on a presentation made by Van de Putte at the ‘Belt, road & bridge: creating new China-Europe connectives’ conference on 1 May 2019 in London. Professor Van de Putte translated the paper into Russian. Click the image on the right for both English and Russian versions.
Watch his speech on CISI TV
Sir Thomas Gresham: Tudor, trader, shipper, spy
Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli, Chartered FCSI(Hon), has made a special study over many years of the life and work of Sir Thomas Gresham, founder of the eponymous college and subject of a vibrant new biography by Tudor historian John Guy.
The article has been updated and adapted from Michael’s website at It is one of the most eye-opening studies of a revered historical figure for many years. While Sir Thomas was indeed the founder of the first serious English challenge to the power of Oxford and Cambridge as seats of learning, and a (mainly) loyal servant to monarchs, he had a more robust side, from which many lessons – particularly on ethical behaviour – are still to be learnt.

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