The Q3 2017 edition of the
Review of Financial Markets (
RoFM) includes an in-depth look at pensions by Ian Clacher, associate professor of accounting at Leeds Business School; Con Keating, chairman of the Bond Commission of the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (of which the CISI is a member); and Andrew Slater, managing director of RisCura.
Clacher, Keating and Slater begin with an outline of some basic principles to consider in the defined benefit/defined contribution debate, and move on to a detailed analysis, review and discussion of the Government's Green Paper from February 2017,
Security and sustainability in defined benefit pension schemes. They respond forthrightly to the questions posed in the Green Paper consultation, and conclude that it is highly desirable to reinvigorate the provision of occupational defined benefit pensions.
The second major piece in this edition, by Gregor Botlik, corporate finance expert at the National Audit Office, looks at the financing of Hinkley Point C (HPC) and reviews alternative ways of financing the project, concluding that "alternative ways of the government providing support for HPC could have resulted in lower costs to consumers over the life of the project".

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Q3 2017 edition
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