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"The scientists have done their job, now it's time for financial services to do ours"
George Littlejohn, Chartered MCSI
a COP26 special
As the leading body for financial services professionals, you can see our wealth of insightful sustainable and responsible finance learning materials for those working in and interested in financial services.

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Online learning
Our cutting-edge elearning tool, Professional Refresher, is designed to refresh or develop your knowledge on a variety of topics, all achievable during your lunch break or commute.
The Review
Our award-winning members’ magazine, available online and in print, incorporates the latest news, insight and thought leadership affecting your profession.
Build new skills and shine a spotlight ESG Investing. Watch videos of our most popular events online, anywhere, anytime, on any device.
Qualifications & Assessments
Essential learning on all things relating to sustainable and responsible investment with our short online course or enhance your credibility with these global qualifications.
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  • Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    If you’re in search of a jargon-busting course that not only delves into the core definitions and global developments in the field of AI but also explores its ethical dilemmas and what they mean for financial services, as well as the responses of regulators, this new certificate offers an outstanding overview.

    Find out more and purchase this course
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    The Professional Body of Choice for the Financial Services Profession

    The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment is the leading professional body for securities, investment, wealth and financial planning professionals. Dedicated to professionalism since it emerged from the London Stock exchange in 1992, its purpose is to champion lifelong learning and integrity, raising individual standards of knowledge, skills and behaviour globally to enhance public trust and confidence in financial services.

54,000 Members in over 100 countries
Over 40,000 Exams taken in 81 countries

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    EC3M 3BY

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