Why study Financial Planning with the CISI?

Consumers worldwide are challenged by their finances. Despite the challenges, consumers don’t know who to trust for professional financial advice. We're always working to raise the standards of the financial planning profession so consumers receive quality advice that meets their needs from financial professionals whom they can trust.

With our defined financial planning study pathway, you can lead the way and achieve the highest global certification available to financial planners in the UK - the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification.

Why Financial Planning is important

Even the most money-savvy consumers can find managing their finances stressful. Global research by the Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) has found that most consumers feel challenged by their finances as they become more responsible for their long-term financial well-being.

Consumers find themselves relying on friends, family and websites more than financial professionals for information on financial matters. That's why it is so important for consumers to find someone who they can trust with their finances.

Only 19% of consumers feel very successful at sticking to their financial strategies1

Only 22% of consumers are very confident they will achieve their financial goals1

Only 1/3 of consumers have a written financial plan1

If you're looking for a career in financial planning or looking to elevate your skills to meet the increasingly complex and demanding nature of today's financial advice, then start your journey towards becoming a CFP professional with us.

Our Financial Planning qualifications

Level 4 Investment Advice Diploma (IAD) +

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Level 4 Certificate in Paraplanning

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Level 6 Certificate in Pension Transfers & Planning Advice +

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Level 7 Diploma in Advanced Financial Planning
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Ofqual regulated qualifications are marked +

The home of Financial Planning

Our financial planning community (known as the Financial Planning Forum) is home to over 4,500 professionals working or interested in financial planning. Once you start your financial planning journey, we’ll welcome you with open arms to where the leading financial planning professionals are, with us – the home of pure financial planning.

Join over 4,500 members who form our financial planning community

Regular conferences and events for financial planners across the UK

Our Financial Planning Forum Committee, comprised of practicing planners, provide us guidance to drive the profession forward

Meet other like-minded financial planners and share ideas

Development & CPD

Our work to raise the standards of the financial profession does not just stop once a qualification is achieved - it's all about Continuing Professional Development (CPD). In addition to our qualification pathway, we offer various first-class resources to help you build on your knowledge.

Professional Refresher

Elearning modules designed to help you tackle topics to build on or refresh your knowledge of various topics.

Find out more about Professional Refresher

The Review

Our quarterly members' magazine is available digitally, with exclusive articles on the latest trends and changes affecting the profession.

View the Review

Conferences & Events

Dedicated conferences and events where you can network with like-minded individuals and earn CPD.

Find out more about all the events we offer

CFPTM, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM and are certification marks owned outside the U.S. by Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd.
The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment is the marks licensing authority for the CFP marks in the United Kingdom, through agreement with FPSB.

1. FPSB partnered with GfK, a global research firm, to survey more than 19,000 people in 19 territories.
2. CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals must disclose any investigations or legal proceedings related to their professional or business conduct and agree to place the interest of clients first, act fairly, diligently and with integrity, and offer clients professional services that are objective and based on clients’ needs. CFP professionals must disclose in writing to clients information about their sources of compensation and conflicts of interest.
3. Total price assumes no exam resits required
4. The standard processing timescale for all applications is up to 15 working days, including three to five days required to post any confirmations or certificates. If you have sent your form to the CISI and you have not received an email confirmation of receipt within 28 days please contact us.
5. It is necessary for every CFP certificant, once certified, to renew their certification every year. Those seeking to maintain their certification must attain a minimum of 35 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) in order to keep up to date with changes and better serve their clients. To continue using the designation you must renew your membership on an annual basis and adhere to all the CISI’s requirements for membership. If you wish to lapse the designation you can do this for a period of up to five years (see below).

Application to rejoin or reinstate CFP professional designation within five years: No reassessment will be required as long as the individual can provide suitable CPD records. If CPD records are not available and there is no valid reason then the process for rejoining after five years will apply.