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    Resources to boost your brain

    We have collaborated with Synergy Health to offer you online learning modules to help inform you about mental health and ways to tackle addiction.

    Find out more
  • Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    If you’re in search of a jargon-busting course that not only delves into the core definitions and global developments in the field of AI but also explores its ethical dilemmas and what they mean for financial services, as well as the responses of regulators, this new certificate offers an outstanding overview.

    Find out more and purchase this course
  • We can all learn from one another

    Our mentoring scheme now includes reverse mentoring, where more senior members learn from more junior members, because we believe knowledge-sharing trumps hierarchy.

    Gain new skills and perspectives
  • Welcome to the CISI Learning Platform

    We are excited to introduce our cutting-edge new Learning Platform, designed to revolutionise how CISI members access and consume our world-class CPD content.

  • New mentoring platform for all CISI Members

    Join today and learn from, or support, other members in our professional community

    Find out more
  • Professional Refresher

    Enhance the knowledge you have gained from attending CPD events using our elearning tool. Popular modules include:

  • Corporate Cyber Security

    Cyber attacks broke all records in terms of the numbers of cases reported in the last 12 months. It is estimated that a business is successfully hacked every 19 seconds and some risk analysts estimate that $2.9m is lost to cybercrime every minute globally. Understanding the risks and protecting your organisation from these threats is now essential for financial services practitioners.

    Learn more
  • Show your credentials!

    Display your achievements as a CISI member and differentiate yourself from your peers

    Download your member badge
  • Bridging the vulnerability gap

    Read our special report on how the financial services sector is supporting customers in vulnerable circumstances.

    Read the report
  • Your new MyCISI Member App

    Carry your knowledge around with you more easily

    Find out more
  • Climate Risk Certificate

    The first joint qualification from the Chartered Body Alliance

    Designed to help finance and risk professionals globally in identifying and managing climate-related risks, to support the transition to a low-carbon world.

    Register Now
  • Welcome to the CISI

    The Professional Body of Choice for the Financial Services Sector

    The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment is the leading professional body for securities, investment, wealth and financial planning professionals. The CISI has been dedicated to professionalism since it emerged from the London Stock Exchange in 1992.

    We encourage all of our members, and all who strive for the highest professional standards, to stand tall – proud of the values they hold and the work they do each day.

"The scientists have done their job, now it's time for financial services to do ours"
George Littlejohn, Chartered MCSI
a COP26 special
As the leading body for financial services professionals, you can see our wealth of insightful sustainable and responsible finance learning materials for those working in and interested in financial services.

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Online learning
Our cutting-edge elearning tool, Professional Refresher, is designed to refresh or develop your knowledge on a variety of topics, all achievable during your lunch break or commute.
The Review
Our award-winning members’ magazine, available online and in print, incorporates the latest news, insight and thought leadership affecting your profession.
Build new skills and shine a spotlight on ESG Investing. Watch videos of our most popular events online, anywhere, anytime, on any device.
Qualifications & Assessments
Essential learning on all things relating to sustainable and responsible investment with our short online course or enhance your credibility with these global qualifications.

Integrity at the core of everything we do

In support of our objective of developing high ethical standards for financial practitioners we offer a range of products and services which are available to members and non-members to debate, refresh and test integrity.

Recognised by

National Advisory Council

We have established CISI National Advisory Council (NAC), made up of veteran financial services practitioners, working voluntarily to represent and promote local membership and the securities and investment profession in Singapore. The NAC supports the provision of continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities and networking events for local CISI members.

Tristan Lim MCSI

President NAC Singapore
Faculty, Nanyang Polytechnic

Kainoa Blaisdell Chartered MCSI

Vice President Singapore NAC
Senior Director, FTI Consulting

Yi Cheng Lim ACSI

Regional Head, Talent Development & Sustainability Solutions.
BPP Professional Education

Yulia Blaisdell Chartered MCSI, CAPM

Director, Client Coverage Risk & Control
Standard Chartered Bank

Michael Davidson Chartered MCSI

International Financial Advisor, Operations Manager
Global Financial Consultants Pte Ltd

Angelina Foo Chartered FCSI

Principal Consultant
Keystone Institute
  • In 2012 I sat the Private Client Investment Advice & Management exam. It was hard, a lot of work, but it was totally worth it. I still feel the impact of it today, I talk about it to my colleagues and I feel it is my selling point when I talk to my employer. Whoever is going to hire you will look at your CISI qualifications - sometimes even more than your University degree.

    Zeena Farouk MCSI
    Associate Director, National Bank of Kuwait
    Watch Zeena's full interview
  • The current financial services industry is very competitive. Regarding the CISI qualification certification, they are globally recognized. Becoming a professional will give you a leading edge. Ethics and integrity are very important to CISI because they determine the reputation of the financial services industry.

    Dr. Chen Yifan, Member
    Lecturer in Finance, University of East Anglia
    Watch Yifan's full interview

Local training partners

The CISI does not offer training for candidates preparing to sit CISI exams but accredits external partners to do so. If you wish to participate in a training course to prepare for CISI exams, please contact one our accredited training partners:

Are you looking to become a CISI Accredited Training Partner?

To become accredited with the CISI, you need to demonstrate training capacity and have a proven training history. All our trainers are experienced in their field and must have completed the relevant CISI exams. For more information and the application form,
Please contact:

News, insight & analysis

    View the Review

    To speak to us about Singapore

    Madel Mateo
    Business Development Manager, Asia Pacific

    +63 2 8479 5592

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