Apply for a Statement of Professional Standing

To apply for an SPS individuals must be a Retail investment adviser as defined by the FCA and meet the following requirements:

  • Hold an active FCA profile on the FCA Directory
  • Be an adviser who carries on FCA activities 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 or 13
  • Be certified on the FCA’s register in [FCA CF] Functions requiring qualifications or CF30 (if appointed representative)
  • Attained an appropriate RDR qualification and completed the relevant gap-fill (where appropriate. In order to use gap-fill with a CISI qualification it must have been lodged with the CISI prior to 1st January 2021). Certified evidence is required for non-CISI qualifications.
  • Agreed to SPS terms and conditions
  • Compiled with the COCON requirements (or Adhered to APER applicable to Appointed Representatives only)
  • Signed up to the CISI code of conduct

We will only accept applications from CISI members (excluding Student members). The SPS start date must be within three months of your CISI CPD year end date, so we can ensure that the CPD undertaken is current and relevant. If your CPD year does not end within 92 days prior to your SPS start date, we will realign your CPD year to a date that best suits.

Application process

 SPS Application Form

 Renew your SPS Certificate - for current CISI SPS holders

Please return the form with all required accompanying evidence to, or post to SPS Applications Department, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, 20 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 3BY.

After submitting your application, you will be directed to a confirmation page. If you have submitted your form to the CISI but have not received an email confirmation within 10 working days, please contact us.


Application TypePrice
Initial Application for individuals that have never held an SPS with CISI or any other professional body £52 
Renewal Application when paid £39 
Renewal Application when paid in advance with your CISI membership renewal £36 
SPS Administration Fee for Manually Submitted Renewal Applications £25 

Please note that we are no longer required to charge VAT on SPS fees.

Selecting your SPS Date

Please find below a few things you would need to keep in mind when selecting your SPS date:

Your SPS date needs to be:

  • Set after passing your appropriate qualification/gapfill
  • Need to be within three months after your CPD year-end date

If advisers are moving between employers, we would only expect an SPS to be applied for once a firm has signed them off to undertake their role as an Retail Investment Adviser or if applicable their CF30 status is active.

Processing Timescales

We will aim to issue SPSs within 10 working days of receipt of an application as long as all the required information and accompanying evidence has been provided. If information or accompanying evidence has been omitted from the application and we need to request more information from the adviser, the SPS may take longer to process. Advisers must ensure they meet the SPS requirements before they apply. 

Due to the high level of incomplete or inaccurate SPS application, individuals now will be advised by email that their application is unable to be processed and will be given three days to supply the missing documentation. Regrettably, if this information is not received by the end of the third day, the application will be returned, unprocessed.

Guidance for completing your SPS

To assist with the completion of the form, the Institute has developed information about commonly made mistakes.

SPS Policies

To view the SPS terms and conditions please click here.

SPS Appeals Process Policy
SPS Disciplinary Process Policy

SPS Verification / Superuser

As of 9th December 2019 all SPS applications required verification by a nominated firm verifier. However, since 2022, SPS verification has become optional.

Should you or your firm want to register a verifier, please complete the verifier application form and return this to the SPS team at

Please see below for more information on SPS verifiers:

  • Firms can nominate as many verifiers as they wish.
  • An adviser cannot verify their own application.
  • It is recommended that verifiers work in the Training and Competence, HR or Compliance department and are suitably knowledgeable and responsible persons to undertake SPS verification.

Alternatively, if you or your firm do not require SPS verification/superuser please email the SPS team at, and we will organise the removal of these permissions accordingly.


To support you in your SPS application or renewal, the CISI has compiled a list of frequently asked questions.

If you have any questions or concerns about the application process, please email

If you are unsure whether you hold an RDR compliant qualification, please email