Tools and guides to better understand nature and biodiversity

Find more information and gain further insight into why biodiversity and nature loss are relevant to our sector with these practical guides

    To better understand biodiversity …

  1. The Economics of Biodiversity by Professor Sir Dasgupta, a 2021 report commissioned by the UK government, explains how we have created the current situation of biodiversity and nature loss and the actions needed to solve it.
  2. The Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services provides the supporting science for the United Nation’s Biodiversity Conferences.
  3. For more on finance’s role in addressing nature and biodiversity loss …

  4. The City of London Corporation’s 2023 A global centre for nature finance report outlines a vision for innovative nature finance that supports the ambition of the Global Biodiversity Forum targets.
  5. Stepping up on biodiversity, a report from the United Nations Environment Programme, has a useful table in Annex 1 summarising the Global Biodiversity Forum targets and their relevance for financial institutions.
  6. The Finance for Biodiversity Guide on engagement with companies offers a wealth of further reading, case studies and examples.
  7. The International Finance Corporation’s Biodiversity Reference Guide explores in detail how private finance can address the drivers of biodiversity loss.
  8. Useful tools

  9. ENCORE (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure) is a tool that can help investors understand how businesses potentially depend on and impact nature and how these dependencies might represent a business risk. Specifically, ENCORE’s 2022 phase of work seeks to support financial institutions in answering the following questions:
    • Am I influencing biodiversity through my investment or lending portfolio?
    • Am I harming or building the resilience of biodiversity with my investments?
    • Does my portfolio align with global and regional biodiversity targets, and how much so?
  10. The World Benchmarking Alliance’s 2023 Nature Benchmark is an assessment of the 380 most influential companies across the food and agriculture value chain, as well as paper and forest industries.
  11. Landler™ by the Landbanking Group is a nature equity management platform to monitor, manage and invest in nature.