By Lora Benson
Leading financial services professional body and awarding organisation, the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) has chosen Surpass Assessment to help develop and deliver its on-demand testing programme from June 2025.

The CISI’s exam candidates will benefit from the market-leading Surpass Platform for the creation, delivery and scoring of their high-stakes assessments across different qualification levels. Using the Surpass exam booking system and global test centre network, candidates will be able to book their on-demand tests anytime and anywhere in the world at modern testing sites or using secure, online invigilation

Mandy Gill, CISI Executive Director of Global Learning, left, said: “A key priority for us is to support all our candidates through their exam and qualifications journeys, delivering a seamless experience so that they can concentrate on their learning and development. We are delighted to be partnering with Surpass to do exactly that – whether our candidates are attending at test centres or using remote invigilation.”
Sonya Whitworth, Co-CEO of Surpass Assessment, right, said: “Surpass are thrilled to be supporting CISI, the UK’s largest professional body for the securities and investment profession, to deliver the highest exam standards through our global on-demand test centre network, remote proctoring services and market-leading assessment software.”