Green Bonds and Asset-Backed Securities
Refreshed November 2023 | CPD time: 2 Hours
As understanding of the importance of tackling climate change has risen, so too has the recognition of the need for addressing as well as greater awareness of a range of environmental issues. Thus, ethical, responsible and sustainable investing has grown in importance and popularity in recent years. Green bonds and asset-backed securities offer an alternative for investors concerned with the environmental impact of how their money is used. This module will explore the various types of bonds and securities available, as well as their benefits and risks.
1. What are Green Bonds and Asset-Backed Securities?
2. Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable Investment and Screening Processes
3. Climate Action Plan
4. The Risks of Green Bonds: Greenwashing
5. Market Participants: Issuers and Investors
6. Portfolio Construction and Performance
7. The Future of Green Bonds
Module Test